Digital Illustrations

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BlooM: Hana to Edaha

The course of life is full of dazzling occasions and unbearable mishaps.

Some muster all the courage and perseverance they have within themselves to fight for the kind of life that they want to live. Some struggle relentlessly to overcome adversities. Some simply drift along dull currents of time—oblivious as to where they’d be stranded.

And then there are some who grow and thrive through the calm AND the stormy days to reach full bloom.

This collection depicts stories of blossoming into a bloom. Just like how blossoms must survive the unpredictable weather conditions to reach full bloom before they fall, we do what we can to survive before tragedy takes us away from this world. And during that time of growth, we find ways to create fulfilling and meaningful moments in our life.

Title meaning:

  • Hana (花) - Japanese word for flower; blossoms

  • Edaha (枝は) - Japanese word for branches and leaves; foliage

Dear Mori

Sometimes, all we need is rest. Whether in sweet solitude or with dear friends… indulge in relaxing activities, sip your favorite drinks, and savor the present moment.

This collection is about incorporating rest into our busy and noisy lives to reconnect with ourselves, our environment, and our people— guilt free. Taking care of ourselves is just as important as taking care of others.

Title meaning:

  • Mori (森) - Japanese word for the woods or forest
